
D4 windows.jpeg

ABOUT d4films


Two Fellows of the Reuter Foundation Programme for international journalists meet at Oxford University … and so begins a twenty year globe-trotting adventure making documentary films and writing books. Dublin’s D4; leafy, Georgian, historic, becomes home … Afghanistan, Angola, Mozambique, Rwanda, Kosovo, Bosnia, Israel, Japan, Australia, Cambodia, Vietnam and over twenty other countries become locations … Murray Hill, New York, and Waiheke Island, New Zealand, become a home away from home. 


Landmines, war crimes, genocide and civil war appear on the filmography, and so do telescopes, boxers, fishing and footballers. There are festival screenings around the globe and broadcasters spread far and wide … there’s the BBC, the History Channel, Discovery … Liam Neeson, Aidan Quinn, Matthew Rhys and Winona Ryder show up in voice over booths and Paul McCartney supplies a few sentences for a book …


Lydia Monin & Andrew Gallimore 

  Click here to read Andrew’s CV

Click here to read Lydia’s CV